Monday, February 2, 2009


finally my sis discharged from hospital yesterday... she felt hyper happy when the doctor told her that she can back home... after the nurse came for her checkup then she faster sit up from the bed and said "faster pack our things, after mummy come then we can go back already..hehe" i din layan her cox i got nothing to pack... but after she throw the word out then she faster start packing... hahaha... so... what i do is just sleep... but actually cant get to sleep tight... then choose to watch TV there... hahaha... nolonger mummy came with 'wan tan mee' *yummy...* we still manage to get the 'free' time to eat is because the time they print and process the payment bil take quite a long time.. is about an hour plus... they total of the bil was really drop my mum's eyes*bcox she not waering spect.. haha*is near to rm5000... the payment list clearly listed out what they charged with... with the list only we know that the doctor do alot of extra thinggy to extra charged us... haiz... the bil we payed is really a number from my sis who also get dengue last Setember... she was in 2 bedded room and this 4... and also same 5days... using same medical... but price to pay different... but the payment should be cheaper compare to the last year bil right? but is more expensive then... my mum really getting dissapointed with the bil... and also all the extra things that the doctor done!!!! can't argue with cox the doctor already done it and already in the payment list...

reach home nolonger then recieved a call from my aunt and want to go together to another anut's house for 'bai nian' hahaha... is almost 5 when we reach... then nolonger we went out to have dinner near the housing area... not bad the food there... finished our dinner and back to aunt house again... what do do??? new year time ofcox do gamble lorr... with the 3 banker ther*the wife's husband* wakakaka... ofcox my dad is one of the banker... hahahaha... but we leave quite early also cox tomorrow some of them have to work and study...

cant believe that my new year holidays end like this!!!!! i dowan!!!! but cant complain also... its already passed!!! hahahaha... heard that still got another gethering with another aunt at rawang this coming saturday... but mummy said not confirm yet... hahahahaha...

what i need to do now is back to study... because this coming week still got last 2 papers to go for it, accounting and HMO... i'm still in lesson 5 with the HMO... i actually do brought along my notes with me to hospital just hope that i will got the time to study... but... actually got not much chances to study cox need to take care of my sis... and in night the hospital will closed the light... so.. how to study? but lucky i still manage to read trough lesson 5... haiz... need to study more harded in this week... i can't fail!!!!!!!!


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